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Get started guide

This guide will instruct you through setting up a Cloudflare account to deploying your first Worker. This guide assumes that you already have a Cloudflare account. If you do not have a Cloudflare account, sign up before continuing.

​​ 1. Start a new project with Wrangler (the Workers CLI)

The Workers command-line interface, Wrangler, allows you to init, dev, and publish your Workers projects.

To use Wrangler, ensure you have npm installed, preferably using a Node version manager like Volta or nvm. Using a version manager helps avoid permission issues and allows you to easily change Node.js versions.

To create a new Workers project (named my-project), run:

$ npx wrangler init my-project

In your terminal, you will be asked a series of questions related to your project.

You can also use one of Cloudflare’s templates to start a new project.

To start developing your Worker, cd into your new project directory:

$ cd my-project

In your project directory, wrangler init has generated the following files:

  1. wrangler.toml: Your Wrangler configuration file.
  2. index.js (in /src): A minimal Hello World Worker written in JavaScript module syntax.
  3. package.json: A minimal Node dependencies configuration file. Only generated if indicated in wrangler init command.
  4. tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration that includes Workers types. Only generated if indicated in wrangler init command.

​​ 2. Run your development server

After you have created your first Worker, run the wrangler dev command to start a local server for developing your Worker. This will allow you to test your Worker in development.

$ npx wrangler dev

If you have not used Wrangler before, it will try to open your web browser to login with your Cloudflare account.

You will now be able to go to http://localhost:8787 to see your Worker running. Any changes you make to your code will trigger a rebuild, and reloading the page will show you the up-to-date output of your Worker.

​​ 3. Write code

With your new project generated, you can begin to write your code.

After running the wrangler init command to generate your Worker, the index.js (or index.ts if you chose to generate a TypeScript project) file will be populated with the code below:

export default {
async fetch(request) {
return new Response("Hello World!");

This code block consists of four parts:

  1. The export statement: export default

export default is JavaScript syntax required for defining JavaScript modules. Your Worker has to have a default export of an object, with properties corresponding to the events your Worker should handle.

  1. The event handler: async fetch(request)

This event handler will be called when your Worker receives a fetch event. You can define additional event handlers in the exported object to respond to different types of events. For example, add an async scheduled(event) {} function definition to respond to scheduled events.

  1. Parameters: request, env, context

The fetch event handler will always get three parameters passed into it: request, env and context.

  1. The Response object: return new Response("Hello World!");

The Workers runtime expects fetch events to return a Response object. In this example, you will return a new Response with the string "Hello World!".

To review code changes in real time, rewrite the "Hello World!" string to "Hello Worker!" and, with wrangler dev running, save your changes.

To experiment with more premade Workers, refer to Workers Examples.

​​ 4. Publish your project

With your project configured, you can now publish your Worker, to a * subdomain, or a custom domain, if you have one configured. If you have not configured any subdomain or domain, Wrangler will prompt you during the publish process to set one up.

Publish to
$ npx wrangler publish

Preview your Worker at <YOUR_WORKER>.<YOUR_SUBDOMAIN>

​​ 5. Write tests

We recommend writing tests against your Worker. One way to do this is with the unstable_dev API in Wrangler. unstable_dev is used for writing integration and end-to-end tests.

After running the wrangler init command, you will be prompted with questions asking would you like us to write your first test?, and which test runner you will like to use?. If you indicate yes and select either vitest or jest as your test runner, an index.test.js file will be created with the following block of code included in the file:

const { unstable_dev } = require("wrangler");
describe("Worker", () => {
let worker;
beforeAll(async () => {
worker = await unstable_dev("src/index.js", {
experimental: { disableExperimentalWarning: true },
afterAll(async () => {
await worker.stop();
it("should return Hello World", async () => {
const resp = await worker.fetch();
if (resp) {
const text = await resp.text();
expect(text).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`"Hello World!"`);

The code block consists of 4 parts:

  1. The import statement const { unstable_dev } = require("wrangler");, this initializes the unstable_dev API so it can be used in the test suite. The unstable_dev function accepts two parameters - await unstable_dev(script, options).

  2. The beforeAll() function for initializing unstable_dev(), this helps minimize the overhead required to start the dev server for each individual test, running the dev server for each test will take a longer time to resolve which can end up slowing down the tests.

  3. The afterAll() function, which calls await worker.stop() for stopping the dev server after it runs the test suite.

  4. The await worker.fetch() function, for checking the response received corresponds with what you were expecting.

​​ Next steps

To do more with Workers, explore the Tutorials and Examples.