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Object lifecycles


Object lifecycles affect how long objects uploaded to your bucket are kept.

For example, you can create an object lifecycle rule to delete objects after 30 days, or you can set a rule to abort multipart uploads after 30 days.

​​ Behavior

  • Objects will typically be removed from a bucket within 24 hours of the x-amz-expiration value.
  • When a new lifecycle policy is applied, newly uploaded objects’ x-amz-expiration value immediately reflects the expiration based on the new rules, but existing objects may experience a delay. Most objects will be transitioned within 24 hours but may take longer depending on the number of objects in the bucket. While objects are being migrated, you may see old applied rules from the previous policy.
  • An object is no longer billable once it has been deleted.
  • Buckets have a default lifecycle policy to expire multipart uploads seven days after initiation.

​​ Configure a bucket’s lifecycle policy

When you create an object lifecycle rule, you can specify which prefix you would like it to apply to.

Below is an example of configuring a lifecycle policy with different sets of rules for different potential use cases.

Configure the S3 client to interact with R2
const client = new S3({
endpoint: "",
credentials: {
accessKeyId: "7dc27c125a22ad808cd01df8ec309d41",
region: "auto",
Configure the lifecycle policy for a bucket
await client
LifecycleConfiguration: {
Bucket: "testBucket",
Rules: [
// Example: deleting objects on a specific date
// Delete 2019 documents in 2024
ID: "Delete 2019 Documents",
Filter: {
Prefix: "2019/",
Expiration: {
Date: new Date("2024-01-01"),
// Example: deleting objects by age
// Delete logs older than 30 days
ID: "Delete Old Logs",
Filter: {
Prefix: "logs/",
Expiration: {
Days: 30,
// Example: abort all incomplete multipart uploads after a week
ID: "Abort Incomplete Multipart Uploads",
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload: {
DaysAfterInitiation: 7,
// Example: abort user multipart uploads after a day
ID: "Abort User Incomplete Multipart Uploads",
Filter: {
Prefix: "useruploads/",
AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload: {
// For uploads matching the prefix, this rule will take precedence
// over the one above due to its earlier expiration.
Days: 1,

​​ Get a bucket’s lifecycle policy

import S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3.js";
// Configure the S3 client to talk to R2.
const client = new S3({
endpoint: "",
credentials: {
accessKeyId: "7dc27c125a22ad808cd01df8ec309d41",
region: "auto",
// Get lifecycle policy for bucket
await client
Bucket: "bucketName",

​​ Delete a bucket’s lifecycle policy

import S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3.js";
// Configure the S3 client to talk to R2.
const client = new S3({
endpoint: "",
credentials: {
accessKeyId: "7dc27c125a22ad808cd01df8ec309d41",
region: "auto",
// Delete lifecycle policy for bucket
await client.deleteBucketLifecycle({
Bucket: "bucketName"